PhD Program in Business Administration

Program Duration :

The Academy applies a credit hour system in teaching, which allows students to determine the number of courses they study each semester according to their time and commitments, provided that it does not fall below the minimum or exceed the maximum set by the academy.

Accordingly, completing the program requires a minimum of six academic semesters in case of full-time study. The  program consists of 42 accredited credit hours and requires intensive computer work, as well as attending various specialized workshops, courses, and scientific seminars.


Study Plan:

Stage I: The Major and Minor Requirements

The Compulsory Specialized Courses

Students must study and pass the following courses (18 credit hours):

Course nameCredit hoursPrerequisite courses
Research Seminar in Research Design 3
Advanced Applied Statistics 3
Research Seminar in Development of Business Admin. Theories 3
Research Seminar in Strategic Management 3
Current Issues in Business Administration3
Research Seminar in Human Resource Management 3
PhD Dissertation 12Complete 30 credit hours

The Elective Courses

Students must choose four courses (12 credit hours) from the following courses:

Course nameCredit hoursPrerequisite courses
Research Seminar in Organization Theory 3
Research Seminar in Organizational Change and Development3
Research Seminar in International Marketing3
Research Seminar in Total Quality Management3
Research Seminar in Decision-Making Theories3
Research Seminar in Production and Operation Management3
Research Seminar in Financial Derivatives and Risk3
Research Seminar in Investment3
Research Seminar in Advanced Financial Management3

 Remedial Courses

Students must study the following courses if they have not previously completed them at the undergraduate or master level:

Course NameCredit HoursPrerequisites
Principles of Accounting (1)3
Principles of Business Administration3
Principles of Financial Management3
Principles of Statistics3
Principles of Marketing3
Principles of Economics3

Stage II: Comprehensive Examination

The Comprehensive Examination in the discipline consists of written and oral components. The student’s eligibility to sit for the written and oral components covering the discipline is determined in the first semester of their second year. Students must take their comprehensive examination in the second semester of their second year. The Comprehensive Examination is conducted by a faculty committee of at least four (4) members in the student’s discipline. After students take the written component, the Discipline Coordinator completes the Written Comprehensive Form to indicate whether they passed or failed. Students who pass the written component successfully will be invited to the oral component within thirty (30) days. After students take the oral component, the Discipline Coordinator completes the Oral Comprehensive Form to indicate whether they passed or failed. Students who successfully passed the oral component would have passed the comprehensive examination, and the Discipline Coordinator will submit the Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Form. If a student is unsuccessful in passing either the written or oral components, the student must retake the examination by the end of the following semester. Students who fail the second time must leave the program; no third attempt is allowed. The Discipline Coordinator will complete the Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Form to indicate the student was unsuccessful in passing the comprehensive examination.

Stage III: Thesis Proposal Defense

Within one (1) year of passing the comprehensive examination, the student must submit a written proposal that presents the projected content of the thesis. The proposal is the vehicle for communicating the student’s project to the faculty. It should provide sufficient detail to allow faculty knowledgeable in the subject area to determine the validity and acceptability of the research, both in terms of quality and quantity. After the student completes the dissertation proposal, the thesis Chair should complete the Ph.D. thesis Proposal Defense.

Stage IV: Thesis Defense

A thesis typically consists of several essays in one or several fields of business administration as 12 credit hour. Doctoral students should find a subject field for their thesis together with their main supervisor. While most of the work on the thesis is expected to be carried out in year 2-4, it is important to start working on the thesis as soon as possible.